12 febbraio 2013

Tour leaders for Italy France tours 2013


We are a major American Tour Operator


For our tour of Italy we are currently looking for “Accompagnatori Turistici” for our Italy France and France Italy tour, 1 week land, 1 week Ship plus post or pre tour.
Tours Leaders should have:

·       The “Patentino di Accompagnatore turistico” or IATM membership certificate.
·       An excellent command of the English language
·       Good French Language
·       A minimum 2 years experience in escorting groups in Italy.
·       Ample knowledge of Italian culture and way of life
·       An excellent knowledge of the entire Italian territory
·       The willingness to be available to our travelers on 24/7 basis, for the entire duration of the tour
·       Sincere liking of the American people and of their culture
·       Enthusiasm and Passion for sharing own life experiences, and openness to discuss the more delicate aspects of society and it’s customs 
·       Who are Italian or who are permanent residents since a minimum of 5 years

First Selection
Date: 1st March 2013
Location: Albani Hotel Florence

Succesfull Canditates from first selection will receive additional training on products.
Date: 6-8 March

Dry Run on the Ship
Date: 10-16

Please do not apply for selection, if you will not be available even for training and dry run dates.

If you meet all the requirements, please send a cv with your picture to franck.greco@outlook.com 

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